Massage therapy is a safe, scientifically proven method of reducing pain and improving physical function in animals.

Animals that present with behavioral problems and poor performance are rarely just misbehaving.
It is important to note that in nature animals that appear weak or in pain are more vulnerable to predators. So even if your horse or dog is not obviously lame, it is important as an owner to pick up on subtle changes and "bad" behaviour. Ill fitting tack, collars, unnatural confinement, poor training and management practises can all lead to mental and physical strain.
Dogs and horses regardless of their age, workload or discipline can benefit from regular massage therapy sessions. Animals that are under veterinary care will need consent before commencing massage therapy. After inital discussion with the owner regarding the animals history. The next step is a dynamic assessment to see how they move. This can be at all gaits or under saddle or on the lunge for horses.
During the massage therapy session, the techniques used are specifically chosen. Depending on the type of massage ( Remedial, Pre-event, Post-event). A wide-range of techniques including compression, trigger point therapy, myofascial release and spinal freedom techniques are utilised. Sessions are usually 1hr to 1hr30 depending on the individual animal.

Benefits of massage

  • Improves muscle tone and relaxs tight muscles

  • Improves joint range of motion, mobility and health

  • Increase blood circulation

  • Relaxs the horses nervous system and provides a calming effect by the release of endorphins, the bodys natural painkillers

  • Improves digestion

  • Speeds up lymphatic drainage and lymph flow

Listen to My interview with Kieran O' Connor on WLR FM farmview.




© Copyright Belle Walsh Equine & Canine Massage